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Vincent Van Gogh


Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh is still one of the most famous Western Art figures that lived in the 1800s. Vincent was a significant figure especially in his post-impressionist painter career. Vincent Van Gogh had 2100 artworks to his name with 860 oil paintings among them. Portraits, still life, self-portraits and landscape images made up a majority of his work. His was among the most inspiring and influential work in the world of modern art. He featured boldness, vibrancy and dramatic elements in his brushwork.

Depression and poverty however kicked in and led him to commit suicide in 1890 July. He shot himself on the chest. Although e survived the gunshot, he succumbed later due to the fact that the doctors were unable to extract the bullets. He was 37 at the time of his death. It was then revealed that he had been suffering from a number of conditions that included acute intermittent porphyria, bipolar disorder, temporal lobe epilepsy and schizophrenia.