Health benefits of adequate sleep

After a hard day’s work, there’s no doubt that everyone wants to get back home and have some sleep. But sometimes we have too much at hand that we even carry some work from the office home. Working hard is good, but not to a point of compromising health. Besides all the other basic needs we can’t do without as human, adequate sleep is another variable we should never overlook. Earlier, most people did not understand how important sleep is, but with the many researches that have been done, we are beginning to understand how important it is.
Improves the health of the heart
Our hearts are machines that pump from the very first time we come in to contact with the world. It is a very vital organ that the body can’t do without and that’s why it should be kept healthy. Lack of sleep has been found to be a predisposing factor to hypertension and increased cholesterol. To keep your heart healthy, you need at least 7 to 9 hours sleep every night.
Prevents some cancers
This may sound conundrum, but yes, adequate sleep has proved to be preventive against breast and colon cancers. It has been proved that light reduces the melatonin, which is a hormone that regulates sleep. Besides just sleep, melatonin supresses the growth of tumours. Ensure that you room is dark enough and avoid using electronics before sleep to enable your body produce enough melatonin every night.
Sleep reduces stress
Have you been in a situation where you are super exhausted but you can’t achieve sleep? This itself is stressful. When you are awake, your body is on high alert which leads to the production of stress hormones and hypertension. But with a deep sleep, even in a stressful scenario you are stress free. Sleep helps in relieving stress by keeping the blood pressure at the optimum levels and minimises the release of stress hormones.
Helps with weight loss
Several researches have established that those who sleep less than seven hours daily are more likely to be overweight than those who have adequate sleep. Lack of sleep alters the hormonal equilibrium which creates an imbalance that would intern lead to weight gain. The hormones that are mostly affected by these disruptions are the ghrelin and leptide which regulate appetite. When these alterations occur these hormones lead to an increased appetite which leads to weight gain.
Improves memory
Sleep plays an important role in memory consolidation. During sleep, the rest of your body could be asleep but your brain is always at work, making connections, sensory input and memory. With a deep sleep you brain is at a better position of making deeper memories thereby improving it.
Reduces the risk of depression
Sleep plays a big role in alteration of the body’s chemicals including serotonin. Serotonin is secreted more during sleep and those with its deficiency are more likely to suffer depression. It is therefore important to have adequate sleep daily to avoid depression.