Healthy Living with Diabetes

Diabetes is currently one of the most common medical conditions around the planet. The condition results in a significant rise of blood sugar levels. The most common type of diabetes is the Type 2 in which body cells do not react appropriately to insulin, the hormone responsible for the cellular absorption of blood sugar. While there is hardly any efficient pharmaceutical treatment for the condition, several control strategies can be implemented for a long and healthy life. The right lifestyle decisions can even reverse the condition. For the best results, one needs to make the important changes in their lifestyles and remain committed to them.
Some of the popular diabetes control strategies include the following:
Embracing a Healthy Diet
One of the major triggers of diabetes is poor eating habits. To control it therefore, one needs to adopt healthy eating. For a diabetes patient, it is often recommended to limit or even cut off consumption of processed food. White rice and white bread are some of the food to be avoided. The methods of food preparation also needs to be adjusted. Reduction of fat, salt and sugar is a great place to start. On the other hand, the amount of fiber intake needs to be increased. Consumption of fruits and vegetables should also be increased.
Adopt Regular Exercise Routine
Regular exercise is a brilliant diabetes control strategy. By boosting metabolism, exercise raises the body’s production of energy. Since blood sugar is used in energy production, the amount of sugar in the system is reduces considerably. It is imperative for a diabetes patient to set their own exercise goals and work towards achieving them. Approximately 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise is a good place to start. If possible, you can increase the amount of time you spend on exercise for better results.
Quit Smoking and Drinking
A common effect of diabetes on health is that it deteriorates the cardiac health. This leaves the patient vulnerable to various cardiac conditions including heart attacks and strokes. It also weakens the body’s defense system, leaving it weak and prone to infections. To minimize the risk of being attacked by certain diseases, it is important that a diabetes patient stops alcohol consumption and smoking. Alcohol is particularly dangerous to a diabetes patient as it causes hyperglycemia.
Avoid Body Wounds
Delayed healing of wounds is among the symptoms of diabetes. Nerves are over time affected by the increased glucose levels in the blood. This results in neuropathy which inhibits proper blood circulation. Blood circulation is important for cell repair and regeneration as it provides the necessary nutrients. It therefore takes longer for patients with diabetes to heal from wounds. To avoid the risk of infection, a diabetes patient needs to avoid any physical injuries.
There are several other strategies a diabetes patient can use to live a healthy and normal life. Going for regular eye checkups to minimize the effects of the condition on eyesight is an example. When these among others are observes, a diabetes patient can rest assured that they will lead a healthy life and may even reverse the condition ultimately.