Reasons to Increase your Fiber Intake

Embracing a healthy diet is a milestone towards great health and happy living. But what exactly does a healthy diet constitute? Various important elements define a healthy diet. Fiber is one of the most crucial and often ignored component of a healthy diet. Acquired from plant-based foods, fiber affects the general health of a person in various ways. Below are some of the reasons you need to increase your intake of foods rich in fiber. Controls Blood Sugar Levels Dietary fiber is essentially recommended for people with diabetes for its ability to control blood sugar levels. Soluble fiber is efficient in minimizing the rate of absorption of sugar in the body. It achieves this by significantly slowing down the rate at which the body breaks down carbohydrates into its simplest form. This as a result helps keep sugar levels in the right proportions. Insoluble fiber has also been observed to lower risks of suffering type 2 diabetes. Increasing your fiber intake therefore helps you keep your blood sugar in check, protecting you from conditions such as diabetes. Assists in Maintaining Healthy Weight Aiding in weight loss is another known advantage of consuming foods that are high in fiber content. High-fiber foods are considerably more filling than foods that are low in fiber. When eating high-fiber foods therefore, you are likely to eat less and stay full for longer. This is essential for maintaining a healthy weight as it helps minimize the amount of food you consume and consequentially, fats and calories. High fiber foods are also contain fewer calories as compared to low-fiber foods of the same volume. Reduces Cholesterol Levels soluble fibers are pretty efficient at lowering cholesterol levels. Found in foods such as oat bran, beans and flaxseed, soluble fibers reduces the levels of low-density lipoproteins in the blood. By keeping the “bad cholesterol” levels to a minimum, soluble fiber helps boost your general health considerably. Promotes Healthy Bowel Movement One of the most known benefits of dietary fiber is that it helps boost healthy bowel movements. Besides raising the weight and size of stool, increased fiber intake also helps with softening stool. With the bulk of stool increased, it is easier to pass. Increasing your intake of fiber therefore minimizes your chances of suffering constipation. Fiber is also used to remedy diarrhea as it absorbs water from watery stool, making it more solid and bulky for easy passing. Improved Bowel Health By increasing the ease of passing stool, high-fiber foods promote better bowel health. Some of the diseases that eating high-fiber foods include hemorrhoids and developing small pouches in the colon, a condition known as diverticular disease. Research also indicates that fiber reduces chances of colorectal cancer. Improves Cardiac Health Research on the effects of fiber on the health of the heart suggests that consuming large amounts of fiber is very essential for maintaining proper cardiac health. By reducing chances of conditions such as high blood pressure, increased fiber intake ensures proper health of the heart.